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SDS* and Product Data Sheets


* Safety Data Sheet

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Click on the links below for more detailed information

For any other addtional information or any other queries please email us by clicking here

Dow Corning 888

Dow Corning 890-SL

Dow Corning 902-RCS



Dow Corning®  high performance silicones is now branded  DOWSIL™


Beginning in February 2018, Dow Corning® brand silicone materials for high performance building will transition to the new DOWSIL™ brand.


Combining the power of two trusted companies
The DOWSIL™ product brand name represents the collective experience and combined power of Dow and Dow Corning. You’ll get the same warranty coverage, features and benefits you’ve come to expect from these trusted silicone products.


These SDS, Product Information and Product Data Sheets are offered in good faith as typical values and not as product specifications. No warranty, either expressed or implied, is hereby made.  Therefore each user should review these recommendations in the specific context of the intended use and determine whether they are appropriate.



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